Stats & Facts

Whether you are a victim of domestic abuse or a professional working in the sector, we have information, resources and tools to help you.

Here’s some key stats & facts on domestic abuse:

  • NICE states 2,000,000 adults live with domestic abuse every year
  • 20% increase of sex crimes against under 11’s
  • Everyday Sexism: 60% 11-21yr olds had comment about their appearance
  • At least 1 in 4 women in the UK will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime (British Crime Survey (BCS) 2010/11)
  • Domestic violence accounts for 18% of all violent incidents (crime in England and Wales 2010/11),
  • 7% of women and 5% of men reported having experienced any domestic violence in 2010/11
  • In the 2010-11 BCS, 73% of incidents of domestic violence were experienced by repeat victims, and of the victims interviewed, just under half were victimised more than once, and nearly a quarter were victimised three or more times
  • Every year around 400,000 women are sexually assaulted and 80,000 women raped (BCS 2010/11)
  • Domestically, the cost of providing public services (including health, legal and social services) to victims and the lost economic output of women affected runs to billions of pounds. An indicative figure for the minimum and overlapping cost of violence against women and girls is £66 billion annually
  • In January to December 2010 the forced marriage unit received 1735 reports relating to possible forced marriage, and provided direct support in 469 assistance and immigration cases
  • Approximately 66,000 women with female genital mutilation are living in England and Wales

Source: Home Office website

The Freedom Programme Quiz

Whats your knowledge about the realities and prevalence of domestic abuse? Answer the Freedom Programme Quiz questions to find out what you know about the facts of Domestic Abuse. Hopefully you will learn some myth busting facts along the way.

Take the Domestic Abuse Quiz