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How can we help you?

Clare offers various services for victims as well as professionals working with victims, take a look

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Domestic Homicide Review Chair

Clare is AAFDA trained and draws on her unique expertise to analyse and address information provided by agencies and family members in the aftermath of a domestic homicide.

Expert Witness

Clare has been providing reports to courts and tribunals since 2014 she is a member of the Expert Witness Institute as well as partner with SHERA Research Group.

Private, Public, and Criminal Courts. Immigration & Asylum, General Medical Council and Employment Tribunals . 


Clare Walker Consulting offers various training packages to meet all needs and knowledge on, Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence, Coercive Control, Family Court, so-called parental alienation, how trauma impacts, DARVO and false counter-allegations.

VOICE Partnership

Clare is co-founder and co-creator of The VOICE Programme (Victims Of Intimate Coercive Experience). A psycho-educational programme looking at domestic abuse through an intersectional lens, whilst supporting victims to understand safely, their own trauma responses.