How can we help you?

Whether you are a victim of domestic abuse or a professional working in the sector, we have information, resources and tools to help you.


Clare Walker Consultancy offers various training packages to meet all needs and knowledge. Including the VOICE Programme and Who’s In Charge?

Expert Witness

Clare’s reports have been used in cases heard in courts and tribunals across the UK, including Private, Public & Criminal Courts. As well as Tribunals; Immigration, General Medical Council, Employment.

VOICE Partnership

Clare is co-founder and co-creator of the VOICE Programme (Victims Of Intimate Coercive Experience). This is a psycho-educational programme which looks at domestic abuse through the lens of intersectionality.


Clare uses her unique expertise in others forms, such as Advocacy, Expert Speaker, Guest Lecturer. And she campaigns nationally & internationally


We have a range of resources on domestic abuse provided by our sister company; Clare Walker Consultancy. Whether you’re working with it, trying to understand it or trying to get away from it; Characters and behaviours, Safety Planning, Red Flags, and our very own Domestic Abuse Quiz

Contact Information

Clare Walker Consulting LTD
& Clare Walker Consultancy CIC.  
Office: 0116 270 1935
Mobile: 07910371045

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If you want to refer yourself to our VOICE Programme or any of the other services within CIC, contact

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simply complete & submit the form below, or directly via any of our contact information listed on the left.